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Natural Flood Management

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We are implementing Natural Flood Management (NFM) techniques to slow the flow of surface water into the Rother.

Natural flood management (NFM) uses natural processes to reduce the risk of flooding. These processes protect, restore, and mimic the natural functions of catchments, floodplains and the coast to slow and store water.

Heavy rainfall can not only cause sudden flooding due to the extra water flowing into rivers, but they can also wash soil and pollution off the land into rivers.

To help intercept water flowing over-land into the River Rother, we are implementing Natural Flood Management techniques in the catchment.

So far we have planted trees and hedgerows to help reduce the impact of sudden and heavy rainfall by intercepting sediment and nutrients flowing the river.

Sapling native hedgerow plants.
The new hedge will intercept and slow water flowing overland into the river

A variety of native hedgerow species such as Blackthorn, Hawthorn, Spindle, Field maple, Hazel, Dog Rose Guelder Rose, Dogwood, Cherry and Crab Apple, together with 75 Oak and 19 Sussex Black Poplar trees, have been planted so far.

Black poplar thriving in the spring after planting

We are now planning some pond and scrape creation to hold more water back in the landscape. These will also help native wildlife by providing homes, shelter and food sources. These techniques are also great for making the riverscape more resilient to drought.

Soggy staff and volunteer!

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