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Bringing back the Black Poplar

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The tall and elegant Black Poplar was once an abundant tree species in Britain. However over recent years this imposing tree has become rare, and according to the Forestry Commission it is one of the most endangered native timber tree species in the UK.

These beautiful trees thrive in wet, boggy areas, so are often found alongside rivers or floodplains. We are now on a mission to help boost numbers of the Black Poplar by planting them in our project area.

Black poplar is the food plant for the caterpillars of many moths, including the hornet, wood leopard, poplar hawk and figure of eight. The catkins provide an early source of pollen and nectar for bees and other insects, and the seeds are eaten by birds.

In 2023/4 we have distributed 509 Black Poplar trees - a fantastic achievement.

Your donation could help fund this project, not only helping Black Poplars to once again become a common sight in Sussex, but also helping all the wildlife which depend on this tree to flourish.

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