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April 21st, 2024

Local Nature Recovery Strategy - have your say now to help nature near you!

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East Sussex, West Sussex and Brighton & Hove are home to wondrous and iconic wildlife including internationally rare habitats and species. But like the rest of the UK, nature in Sussex urgently needs our help.

Local Nature Recovery Strategies are a new approach to help us do that, and everyone in Sussex can take part.

Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS) are a statutory requirement from the Environment Act 2021. Their aim is to protect the important places for nature that are left, and identify the opportunities to restore or create it, where it can have the most benefit for wildlife and people.

48 strategies are being prepared at the county level to cover the whole of England. There will be one LNRS for West Sussex and one for East Sussex covering Brighton & Hove. 

Residents, community groups, land managers and organisations in Sussex will be invited to create shared priorities for nature’s recovery and identify the actions that can be taken to deliver them. These collaboratively produced blueprints will show where there’s a need and the appetite to recover important habitats and species to target funding, investment and action!

Have your say now by completing this short survey - your views count and can make a difference!

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