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May 10th, 2024

The Western Sussex Rivers Trust: A New Beginning

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A note from our Trust Manager Aimee:

It’s official, we’ve changed our name!

I am very excited and proud to share with you our new name, branding and website!

Over the past few months we’ve been beavering away, not only on our project work on the ground supporting our rivers, but also on ensuring that our organisation is a true reflection of the work that we do.

I am delighted to announce that the tongue twister of a name - the Arun Rother Rivers Trust - is no more. We are now known as the Western Sussex Rivers Trust.

The inspiration around the name change and the new branding was focused on sparking a feeling of connection between humans and nature. Rivers have always shaped our landscapes and influenced generations of human activity such as building villages on riverbanks, or using the water to transport food and goods.

It was important to us that our organisation name reflects all of the work we do, across multiple rivers - we are of course aware that the headwaters of the Rother are in Hampshire, however the majority of our geographical area is based in West Sussex.

We wanted a name that was easy for people to remember (and say!) and we wanted to create a brand which will inspire people to look more closely at the riverscapes around them, encouraging them to take action to help these special habitats thrive.

Our new tagline - “Action for our Riverscapes” - encompasses this feeling.

Rivers are not just channels of water, they are integral components of the land around us. Rivers literally shape the landscapes we live and work in. They provide a home, safety, food and shelter to a huge variety of wildlife. They provide us with beauty and joy, a haven away from the bustle of busy modern life. A place to cool down by on a hot day. A view to rest our eyes upon to soothe our tired minds. Rivers are not just rushing empty waters, they are (or should be!) a habitat teeming with life.

So please, take a look around our new website, feast your eyes upon photos of wildlife found on our rivers, and if you feel inspired please sign up for volunteering or have a look at our donation page to see how you can help support our precious riverscapes.

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Action for our riverscapes